Measurements Reports of AIORI.IN

Types of Measurement Reports Available on AIORI.IN

  1. Automated Reports Automated measurement reports are generated without user intervention, providing continuous and up-to-date data on various network parameters. These reports are crucial for ongoing network monitoring and early detection of issues.

You can view the Root Server Latency Map Visualizer Measurement report directly on the AIORI home page at Here are the key features of the report:

  • Continuous Measurement: Measurements are taken at different intervals throughout the day, providing real-time insights into root server latency.
  • Historical View: Historical data dating back to April 2022 is available, allowing for trend analysis and performance evaluation over time.
  • State-wise Visualization: The latency data is visualized state-wise, offering a geographical perspective on server performance across different regions.
  • Raw Data Availability: Raw data, including DNS SOA Command and ICMP Ping command results, is accessible for research and optimization purposes.
  • Geolocation Information: Detailed information such as origin AS number and IP addresses with IP geolocation of all anchors is provided, enhancing the granularity of analysis.

Automated Reports of AIORI-IMN

  1. User-Triggered Reports: User-triggered reports allow users to initiate specific measurements on-demand. These reports are useful for troubleshooting and verifying network conditions in real-time. There are two types of measurement reports that can be generated using measurement commands.
  • One-Time Reports
  • Ping: Measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer.
  • Traceroute: Tracks the path packets take from one network node to another, identifying all intermediate hops.
  • DNS: Assesses the performance and response times of DNS servers.
  • Periodic Reports
  • Ping: Regularly scheduled ping measurements to monitor network latency over time.
  • Traceroute: Recurring traceroute tests to observe path consistency and detect routing issues.
  • DNS: Periodic DNS performance checks to ensure consistent resolution times.
  1. Latency of a Service: Reports on the latency of specific services, providing insights into the response times and performance of particular network services.
  2. DNSSEC Visualization Visual reports that illustrate the status and integrity of DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions), helping to ensure DNS data is authenticated and has not been tampered with.
  3. Analytical Reports: In-depth analytical reports that aggregate and analyze data from various measurements to provide comprehensive insights into network performance, trends, and potential areas for improvement.

These diverse measurement reports offered by AIORI.IN cater to different needs, ensuring that users have the necessary tools to monitor, analyze, and optimize their network performance effectively.

Results Availability Formats on AIORI.IN

  1. Raw Data in CSV Format Users can download the raw measurement data in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. This allows for detailed analysis and easy integration with other data processing tools.
  2. Graphical Visualization Measurement results are also available as graphical visualizations, providing an intuitive and easily interpretable representation of the data. These visualizations help quickly identify trends, anomalies, and overall network performance.

Source Selection Options

  1. Single Source Users can select a single source for measurements, allowing for focused and specific data collection from one location or device.

2. Multiple Sources (Zone) Measurements can be collected from multiple sources within a specified zone. This option provides a more comprehensive view of network performance across different locations or segments, enabling better analysis of network behavior and performance variability.


  • Anupam Agrawal

    A Information Technology Practitioner with leadership experience in IT Public Policy, Corporate Industry Forums, Information Technology Standards, & Program Implementation. An experienced Information Technology trainer, keynote speaker, panelist, leader and key influencer for advocacy and outreach, with wide international exposure across stakeholder groups. Finance Degree from ICAI & ICWAI, India; IT Security Degree from ISACA, USA & Internet Governance Certification from University of Aarhus, Germany & Next Generation Leaders Program of Internet Society in association with DIPLO Foundation.

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