An Edge Computing Architecture for Internet Measurement Network to Measure and Analyze Protocol Data
Abstract: This paper presents the high-level architecture, task execution methods, and scheduling algorithms behind community internet measurement network (IMN), named AIORI-IMN (Raje A, et al. The Internet Measurement Network (AIORI-IMN). In: 2023 4th International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS) 1–8, 2023). AIORI-IMN is researched and developed as part of the project “Advanced Internet […]
The Internet Measurement Network (AIORI-IMN)
Abstract: This paper establishes the need of an Internet measurement network for India which is capable of measuring, collecting, analysing, collaborating and sharing metrics. The purpose is to help in advanced Internet operations research towards a fast, responsive, stable, resilient and secured Internet infrastructure. The paper using use-case demonstrates the advantages of having an indigenous […]
DNS and Internet Measurement Testbed as part of AIORI (Advanced Internet Operations Research in India) Project
Abstract: The Internet presents great challenges to the characterization of its structure and behavior resulting in Internet divide among the Internet users in the country. Different reasons contribute to current situation ranging from huge user community, large range of applications, equipment heterogeneity, distributed administration, incorrect routing of packets, less optimized peering infrastructure and vast geographic […]